Pinterest fail?

So, over a year ago I pinned this picture on Pinterest. Image

This is a gorgeous design found here on Etsy. But I couldn’t quite bring myself to spend nearly £70 on it, so with the best of intentions I bought myself a couple of shadow boxes to craft the crap out of it.

Anyway…then my PGCE started and I almost forgot about all my craft things tucked away in the back room, but now summer is here I thought it would be the perfect time to give it a go.

First things first  – set Bo up with his own crafts and let him loose

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Next I chose a book to destroy for the sake of my art. I bought ‘Revenge wears Prada’ to read on holiday last month and I chose it for two reasons.

1. One of the main characters has Bo’s name so all of the hearts had his name in

2. I hated the book, thought it was terrible. So I won’t miss it too much.

Cut out as many hearts as I need and stick them down (only on one half) to a piece of paper.

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Once framed in the shadow box my work is complete. Voila!

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It took me around an hour to do it and since it was my first time and I was only using certain words for my hearts, I think that was pretty good going. If you just did it with random words or pictures it would be super quick. There are loads of different variations on the Etsy shop, gorgeous presents for new houses, weddings.. anything!

What do you think?? Do you ever attempt Pinterest crafts?


P.S. I hated the book but Becky at AAUblog reviewed it here

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