New Year’s resolutions

It’s that time of year again.

New year, new me and all that crap.

I kind of feel like it’s such a cliché thing to do but I think it’s important to be reflective, take stock and make goals for the year ahead so I do have a few new year’s resolutions.

1. Don’t move house. I made this resolution last year and didn’t keep it. In the last 5 years I have moved house …. 7 times?! I want to feel settled for just one year! My husband is already getting itchy feet and wants to move back to the west country but I don’t want to move AGAIN! Not just yet…

2. Lose weight/get fit. Such a stereotypical resolution. But my baby just turned 6 months so I think it’s a good time to start trying to lose some of that chocolate baby weight. First thing to do: stop eating a cadbury’s sharing bag to myself every weekend.

3. Open an Etsy shop. I enjoy cross stitching and go through phases of doing it like mad every night and then not doing it for 6 months. I also have loads of half finished projects so I think if I set myself a goal I might actually finish some of my designs!

4. Get a job. Maybe. At least…try to decide what I want to do with my life. Do I want to do my NQT year? Do I want to change direction? Could I work for myself? So confused at the moment!

Are new year’s resolutions lame?


One thought on “New Year’s resolutions

  1. I think the getting a job one would be good, even a part time one. I’m enjoying mine and its nice to have time out of the house but depending on what you get, its tricky with childcare etc. Weight loss for me too! x

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